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Yes. It is important that you discuss your symptoms with your dentist. They are medically trained to diagnose and prescribe the right solution for the symptoms you are experiencing.
Unlike ‘boil and bite’ night guards that can be purchased ‘off the shelf’, the F.O.S. device is custom made and fitted by your dentist at your appointment. He/she will request regular follow-up appointments to check the device is working as effectively as it should. Beware, boil and bite night guards can in fact cause you more pain and discomfort, worsening your problem rather than solving it.
We recommend you use our postcode finder to find your nearest specialist. Your dentist can find out how to become an accredited F.O.S. provider by contacting us. In the UK, F.O.S. is exclusively supplied to dentists by Dental Sky.
The F.O.S. is made of medical grade polyester copolymer. This is especially important for your dentist, because this material allows him to customise the F.O.S. to your mouth and specific needs - for example, the F.O.S. may need to increase in thickness. Due to the type of material, your dentist will easily be able to build up the F.O.S. to fit your mouth. The good news for you is that the materials used to build up the F.O.S. will not separate or break apart over time. Nor will your F.O.S. experience discolouration or bacterial ingress due to separation of the 2 materials. Unlike other similar night guards, your F.O.S. will look (and smell!) as good as new after many years of use.
The F.O.S. is designed to be small and unobtrusive, covering as few a teeth as possible, usually only 2 - 4.
The F.O.S. will start working immediately with use, and most patients will see a significant improvement in their symptoms within 24-48 hours.
Your dentist should check function, acceptance and effectiveness of the F.O.S. at regular intervals. Take your appliance to every follow-up appointment, especially if you see grinding marks where the opposing teeth touch it. The good news is, the F.O.S. will significantly outlast most competitor products.
You dentist will prescribe a treatment plan for your use of F.O.S. After a more intense, initial phase of treatment some patients be be able to reduce their usage of the F.O.S. splint under supervision of their dentist.
It may take some time to adapt to the F.O.S. device, but if you cannot sleep properly after four or five nights, you should contact your dentist for adjustment. Some patients remove the appliance unconsciously during the night. Don’t panic if you wake up without it in your mouth.
You may also experience a slight tension of the teeth covered by the F.O.S. or the teeth which bite on it. This should disappear fairly quickly.
Your teeth may not fit together normally when you remove the F.O.S. in the morning. This is a sign that your teeth are forcing your lower jaw into an unnatural position, which may be part of the problem. This changed position is very important information for your dentist to help him/her in the planning of further treatment. When you remove the F.O.S. in the morning, relax and slowly close your teeth until you feel the first contact, which will frequently be in the same place. Memorise it; you will then be able to “slide” your teeth into their normal position. Any other changes you notice when using your splint should also be reported.
The F.O.S. device should be stored clean, dry and in its storage box. The storage location should be in an area that does not expose the device to excessive heat or light.
Each morning, you should clean the F.O.S. with your toothbrush and normal toothpaste. Especially if it has been made to fit your lower teeth, you may find white deposits (calculus) on the appliance over time. These can be removed by soaking the appliance in a denture cleaning solution. Be sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards and brush the F.O.S. with your normal toothbrush and toothpaste.
You should stop using the F.O.S. device immediately and see your dentist to make adjustments to your F.O.S.
No, this is not normal - you should only be able to remove the F.O.S. with your hands. Stop using the F.O.S. device immediately and see your dentist to discuss your options.
The F.O.S. solution is Swiss made and fully CE certified. Please contact us at for further information.
Yes. Register your F.O.S. device with us via the contact us page and you will receive a 1 year device guarantee. This only includes the cost of the device and does not cover any additional dental charges.